The inventory report provides protection for the Landlord’s property, by enabling a comparison to be made between the condition at the beginning of the tenancy, and the condition when the tenant has vacated the property, enabling compensation to be taken from the deposit should there be any damage/missing property. It is important therefore to have a full condition and contents report at the start of the tenancy, and a check out report at the end of the tenancy, so that the landlord/agent can prove the differences. Without this, the legal deposit holder will not release any of the deposit to the landlord, and the deposit will be returned in full to the tenant. This process also protects the tenant’s deposit, by ensuring that false deposit claims are over-ruled.
Detailing every item in the property, we create inventory reports that list everything in the home from ceiling to floor. At Professional Inventory Management Services Ltd, in Lincoln, our devoted qualified, certified and accredited inventory clerks create market leading in-depth HD reports that showcase all fixed items. We precisely describe every item in the property.
When it comes to the landlord and tenant disputes, you can settle them much quicker and easier with our Check-In Service. At Professional Inventory Management Services Ltd, in Lincoln, our fully trained clerks are available to create reports that confirm the date the tenants took possession of the property, meter readings, and keys etc. When this is carried out in conjunction with an inventory (highly recommended) the tenants will be introduced to the property with a formal tour, with observations and comments about each area being pointed out. We also assess potential hazards and risks in conjunction with the HHSRS (Housing Health and Safety Rating System) and give Fire Safety Advice to your tenants.
An ongoing process which grows and develops daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Input from tenants, landlords, and agents is often utilised, as well as changes in legislation and results from dispute cases, improved working practices, and technology. Everything you see in and outside the property will be detailed in the report, including:
- Doors
- Handles
- Walls
- Windows
- Switches
- Sockets
- Coving
- Curtains
- Blinds
- Loose Furnishings
- Appliances
- Bathroom Fittings
- External Areas
This list is not exhaustive; we evidence what we see and what you have in the property
- Inspection Date
- Inspection Address
- Property Type
- Client Name – (Can be white labelled)
- Level of Furnishings: Furnished, Part Furnished, Un-Furnished.
- Security Features Installed
- Stopcock Location – Important for Emergencies Especially in flats
- Meter Readings (As part of the Check-in) Will Include:
- Water, Gas, Electricity, Oil, Solar Power
- Date Meter Read
- Type of Meter – Tariff or Prepay
- Location of the Meter
- Serial Number of the Meter
- Physical Reading of the Meter
- Close-Up Photograph of the Meter to Avoid Disputes and Errors
- Keys
- Key Type – Yale™, Mortice, Remote, Security etc.
- Lock Location Key Fits Into – Front Door, Rear Door, Patio Door, Front Garage Door
- Location to Include, if More Than One Lock in Door Which Lock it is – Upper Lock, Middle Lock, Lower Lock etc.
- Number of That Particular Keys Issued / Received
- Comments – To help – Key Found in Back Door Place In Upper Kitchen Drawer for Security
- Photographs of all individual keys so reader can see each key type and confirm the number signed over to tenants. This also stops inferior keys being returned.
Example: High-security locks common on communal entry doors cost circa £90 each to be re-cut. Photographing the keys individually stops an inferior re-cut key costing £5 being passed off as a genuine security key.
- Safety
- Details Smoke, Heat, Co alarms, window lock keys, EPC’s, PAT, Legionella and Gas-Safe™ certificates found in property.
- State of Cleanliness
- A snapshot of the main property areas and appliances. Full cleanliness of each property item will be detailed in the main report as they appear.
- List of All Interior Rooms
- We Detail the Rooms from Right to Left (anti-clockwise)
- We Add Room Locations to Avoid Confusion (front, rear, left hand side, right hand side etc)
You will mainly have several bedrooms; we list them as follows:
- Bedroom 1 – Front RHS
- Bedroom 2 – Front LHS
- Bedroom 3 – Rear
Multiple Stairs and landings can be confusing, which is why we list them as follows:
- Stairs and Landing 1 – Ground Floor to First Floor
- Stairs and Landing 2 – First Floor to Attic
List of exterior areas – we list these areas in a chronological system:
- Front Garden and/or Driveway Will Always Be the First Inspection Areas
- Interior Rooms
- Rear Garden and Garage are always the Last Inspection Areas
As soon as the layout of the room has been established, we then populate each individual room with all of its different items, both fixed and loose. These are then described in full with any observations or problems. The comprehensive descriptions created follow the same format for each item within the property to help promote professionalism and easy reading. All descriptions are supported by high-quality photographs. Each room item is then described in the same format starting at door or entrance. From there we always at the top of the room (ceiling) and make our way downwards.
- Item Name: Floor
- Colour: Beige
- Overview of Condition: Good, Minor Cosmetic Damage – Functionality Not Impaired
- Description (To Include)
- Type – Could be Carpet, Laminate, Linoleum, Tiled etc.
- Finish – Bristle, Mosaic, Varnished, Woven etc.
- Features – Edging Strip Brass, Wall-to-Wall Fitted, Inlay Pattern etc.
- Comments – To Fully Complete the Description – Small staining, slight pulls to surface, water damaged etc
A correctly reported observation will include:
- Full Description of the Observation
“10-inch by 6-inch, iron shaped carpet burn observed.” – We use forensic-measuring tools so when damage is photographed the image has scale and reference.
- Location of observation so it can be easily identified – this will include exact location.
- More evidential photographs of the observation are taken including an overview and close-up photographs.
In the summary of the report and at the rear, you will find details of the observations of each item and room order (in red) as a way to quickly review the issues affecting the property. This in turn saves time as you do not have to fully read the report from cover to cover.
The descriptions and observations are done for every item in the property. This means that our dedicated experts are on hand to produce the UK’s most in-depth, comprehensive, impartial, and unbiased report. We’re here to provide a professional service which protects landlords, agents and tenants.
See what our customers have to say…
Emma was very nice and professional. Property was checked and inspected quickly and thoroughly. I am happy knowing that an independent company is backing me up with my tenancy. They really CARE. Their approach and personal treatment was spotless. 5 stars positive feedback
Reuben Lopez Catalam