You’ve let your property to a tenant, and they seemed nice when they moved in, and they promised to keep the house in a good condition, but how will you know if there’s anything wrong in the property between the start and end of the tenancy?
Our Mid-term Inspections and reports start from £15+vat and can provide you with a look inside the property periodically. Our accredited personnel can arrange a suitable time to visit the property and conduct the inspection as an independent professional third party, meaning that you receive an in-depth report of the condition of the property, and any breach of tenancy suspicions – such as sub-letting/smoking/damage/unauthorised pets. We check the smoke alarms and CO detectors present and can give fire safety and escape planning advice to your tenants while we’re there!
People tend not to let you know they intend to breach their tenancy, and they can be quite good at hiding the evidence of breaches, so it’s well worth protecting your property using an independent specialist, who knows what to look for and where to look for unwanted issues.
Regular inspections ensure that any issues are discovered quickly, before they can escalate into expensive problems, and allow the Landlord to decide how to deal with these issues.
Our highly trained personnel can advise the tenant of their findings and help them to deal with small issues there and then. For example, if a tenant is drying washing inside the property and causing a mildew issue, then they can be told that they are causing this damage, and that they must treat the mildew and stop drying inside the property – and have this explained as an issue that may cause a deposit deduction at the end of the tenancy.
Small issues can become big expensive problems if they’re left unchecked, so it’s a very small cost to protect your bricks and mortar, fittings and furnishings.
Contact us at info@pimsltd.co.uk to arrange your mid-term inspection.